A German rabbi warns European Union leaders of the danger of anti-Semitism
Commemorative events were held at the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which falls on 27 January. The ceremony was attended by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Maria Pejcenovic Burić, German Foreign Minister Analina Baerbock, and representatives of European Union countries and Jewish communities.
Rabbi Abel noted that dates such as International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Rescue and Liberation Day – 26 Yar (Victory Day according to the Jewish calendar) play a huge role in education and in the fight against anti-Semitism.
“On this day, we express our gratitude to the one who saved us, the Creator of the universe, and we also express our general appreciation and gratitude to his emissaries – the soldiers of the countries that fought against Nazism, the righteous among the nations of the world who sacrificed their lives in the fight against evil and darkness for the freedom of their country and the salvation of our people.”
“Every year there are fewer and fewer people who were directly involved in those terrible events, but their memories still live in our hearts. Nazism can take different forms, so we must clearly understand what is happening based on the past and on historical facts. The people will still be The Jew is always grateful to the soldiers of the Red Army and the allied countries who saved him from the danger of destruction.The International Holocaust Remembrance Day is not only a memorable date, but also a symbol of any manifestations of anti-Semitism, Zakhariev commented the News Agency on the words of Rabbi Abel: “Semitism and racial hatred must be resolutely rejected.”
The International Holocaust Remembrance Day is set on January 27. By a decision of the United Nations, the day was chosen for the memorable date when the Red Army liberated the Nazi death camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz) in 1945.