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Boost Your Immune System with These Nutrient-Rich Vegetables, According to Russian Nutritionist


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Boost Your Immune System with Nutrient-Rich Vegetables


According to Dr. Angelina Vodolazhskaya, an endocrinologist and Russian nutritionist, the immune response of our body decreases when we lack essential nutrients. To combat this, it is crucial to incorporate vegetables rich in useful substances into our diet, especially before the autumn season when our body is undergoing changes.

The Gut-Immune System Connection

Dr. Vodolazhskaya emphasizes the strong link between our gut and immune system. As 70-80 percent of immune cells reside in the intestinal mucosa, maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is vital for stimulating and supporting our immune system. Eating vegetables that are high in dietary fiber helps improve the intestinal flora.

The Power of Carrots

Carrots are considered the best vegetable for boosting the immune system due to their high content of beta-carotene and vitamin A. These nutrients enhance the activity of microorganisms in our body, leading to a decrease in the frequency and duration of colds. However, it is essential to consume carrots in moderation as excessive consumption can cause diarrhea, drowsiness, and yellow skin.

Sweet Peppers for Vitamin C

In addition to carrots, sweet peppers are highly recommended for their impressive vitamin C content, which surpasses that of citrus fruits by 40 percent. Fresh uncooked peppers also provide beneficial vitamins and minerals for our immune system.

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The Superfood Spinach

Spinach is considered one of the top ten superfoods as it contains half of our daily requirement for vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc. These nutrients are vital for supporting immune cells. However, it is important not to overeat spinach due to its purine content, which can cause acid accumulation. Those with ulcers and gastritis should avoid consuming excessive amounts of spinach.

The Benefits and Precautions of Garlic

Garlic not only improves blood circulation but also contains over 100 antioxidants and phytoncides with antimicrobial properties. It stimulates the immune system and lowers blood cholesterol levels. However, consuming large quantities of garlic can cause an unpleasant odor, belching, and skin rashes. Individuals with ulcers and gastritis should avoid garlic altogether.

Ginger for Immune Stimulation

Ginger contains a compound called gingerol, which stimulates immune cells. However, it is important to note that ginger can irritate the digestive system’s mucous membrane. Therefore, it should not be consumed excessively, and individuals with digestive problems should exercise caution when consuming ginger.


Overall, incorporating vegetables and leafy greens into our diet can have a positive impact on our gut microbiome and, subsequently, our immune system. However, individuals with digestive issues should approach these foods with caution. Remember to prioritize a balanced diet to keep your immune system strong and healthy.

Source: Gazeta.Ru

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