Central Bank of Kuwait releases clarification on ‘$350 million check’
The Central Bank of Kuwait issued a clarification denying the veracity of what had been circulated regarding a bank check drawn in 2013.
In a Twitter statement, the bank denied the veracity of “false statements circulated in one of the foreign media channels and social networks regarding the existence of a check drawn and drawn on the Central Bank of Kuwait on July 26, 2013 in the amount of 350 million dinars.”
Clarification of the Central Bank of Kuwait pic.twitter.com/qJOsOsWgT6
— Central Bank of Kuwait | CBC (@CentralBank_KW) January 12, 2023
The bank did not mention the President of Egypt, saying only that “the data disseminated in this regard is incorrect.”
He explained: “The image of the check and the data contained in it do not match the checks of the Central Bank of Kuwait.”
And social media circulated the news attached to a photo of a fake check that said it indicated it had been issued to the Egyptian president.
Source: RT