Crash Team Rumble Update 1.11: New Maps, Heroes, and Bug Fixes – All the Details You Need to Know
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A new update has been released for Crash Team Rumble Update 1.11. You can find out all the details of the Game Update, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below.Crash Team Rumble Update 1.11 is now available for download, for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.
TFB Labs Shuffle Playlist
- TFB Labs modes are now bundled into a playlist available at least a few days each week.
New Map: Artisans Arena
- Gulp has found a new overlook, filled with familiar friends and foes.
- This map features new relic stations themed around Fairies, Ice Wizards, and Gulp.
- Look for healing Sheep when you need a quick recovery!
New Map: Summer Forest
- The forests in Avalar are renowned for their lush trees, crystal clear rivers, and taunting thieves.
- This map features the new relic stations: Moneybags, Enchanted Tower, and Elemental Orbs.
- Did we mention the taunting thieves?
New Hero: Spyro
- Everyone’s favorite purple pal will officially join Crash Team Rumble in Season 3!
New Hero: Elora
- The fiercest faun in Avalar is on her way! Expect to feel the heals and fear the hooves later this season.
New Power: Bank Portal
- Portal your way to the banks on-demand when this new power arrives in Season 3.
New Feature: Emotes in Lobby!
- Players can now play their selected emotes while waiting for other players to ready up, as well as see other players’ emotes.
New Feature: Career Stats
- Players can now see their Career Stats tracked for all competitive matches played.
- Ripper Roo
- Fixed strafe animation bug.
- Bombs will now explode on Blues Beatdown station.
- Coco
- Fixed bug where achievement/trophy for hitting 20 enemies with Quantum Wall did not always get awarded properly.
- N. Brio
- Slime potion throw projectiles no longer explode in mid-air and will continue until hitting a solid object.
- Brio can now transform into brute form in mid-air.
- Catbat
- Now gets one flap back after being knocked back.
- Neo Cortex
- Vertical dash is restored after being knocked back.
- N. Gin
- Homing Shots targeting and splash improved to better break crate clusters.
- Blast Off and Boombox now partially refund their cooldowns when the ability is interrupted by knockback.
- Ripto
- Tsunami now refreshes double jump.
- General
- Character ability cooldowns will now reset correctly upon starting a new wave in Party mode. Some abilities that required landing to come off cooldown were not resetting properly in these scenarios.
- Strafe Mode: added backpedal animations.
- Dash attacks are now affected by speed de-buffs.
- Fixed a bug where N. Brio slimes would cause your own team’s banking to be slowed.
- Power Drainer now damages nearby placed enemy powers such as Fridges, Gasmoxian Guards, Flytraps, etc.
- Garbage Dump now distributes garbage more evenly in the danger area.
- Players should now be fully immune in spawn-in area.
- Fixed an issue where some players would not be able to see the speed line visual effects on their heroes when using air vents and launchers
- Bouncing Bubble and Slow Shroom relic stations have returned.
Relic Stations
- Fixed certain relic stations to prevent them from being inappropriately attacked by N. Brio slimes.
- Slow Shrooms and Bouncing Bubble are now back.
- Bouncing Bubble has slightly different functionality where bouncing 3 times will charge the bubble up for the remaining duration.
- Bouncing Bubble and Akano will now lose more often to other attacks instead of always trading.
- N. Brio players in Brute form can now equip the Smog Surge relic power.
- Shrink Ray – Certain attacks will no longer deal knockback to shrunken enemies such as Dingo vac and vac pull, smog surge gas, etc.
- Fixed an issue where picking up stashes from Big Bonsai counted towards your powers used on the scoreboard.
- Fixed an issue in Jazz Junction where destroying a Blue Beatdown musician would cause players not to be able to place powers at that location for the rest of the match (like Fridges, Gasmoxian Guards, Flytraps, etc.)
- Fixed issues with Ika Ika and Bouncing Bubble where the effect would last too long if the player never jumped.
- Fixed and issue where Uka Uka’s flame pool effect left by a meteor would damage players for too long after the flame went away.
- Fixed an issue where players could get certain relic stations like Beachballs while in N. Brio’s Brute form.
- Damage regions from Akano, Bouncing Bubble, Beachball etc should be more size accurate and responsive (this should lead to fewer corrections when being knocked back by them).
- Fixed an issue where certain characters would have Akano’s damage region in the wrong location.
- Fixed an issue where the Bouncing Bubble would deal too much damage.
- Party Mode’s Speed Run should no longer spawn clocks inside of bumpers in wave 4.
- If a collectable respawns on top of you (like a Cooking ingredient) you will pick it up immediately now.
- In TFB Lab’s Wumpa Whale, the whale can now be deactivated by collecting ducks. Cost and wumpa collection rate have been adjusted to compensate.
- In TFB Lab’s Gem Carry, the scale of the gem will no longer scale up infinitely if dropped and equipped by a scaled up hero.
User Interface
- Hero Customizations no longer reset when restarting the game.
- Map loading screens now have the epic relic station in the center if there are 3.
- Fixed misalignment of Stats on Scoreboard in Party Mode on Match Results screen.
- Low teammate health “Heal Alert” tracker added to HUD for Heroes with heal abilities. (ex: Catbat).
- Text in “more details” pop-ups within specific events has been properly padded and centered within the widget on screen.
- Optimized sizes of event inventory and collectible icons.
- Removed the event details timer (it was not displaying in local time properly). Daily limits on collectible reset every 24 hours after the start of events that use them.
- Fixed a bug with Ripto Mastery badges, multiple Ripto players should now be able to earn the badge in the same match without unintended resets.
- N. Gin’s Gem Jam badge is now earnable for successful boom box damage near gems. This adjustment should allow the badge to be more reliably earned.
Other Updates and Additions
- New announcer VO lines will play when team stack boosts.
- Bots use triple spins and slides/spirals to navigate around level.
- Overall App stability improvements.
- Movement stability improvements.
- Fixed issue where heroes load into match in default skins instead of selected skins.
- Fixed issues with predictive destruction of crates.
- Fixed misprediction problems with mask relic stations.
- Fixed misprediction issues with respawn speed boost
Source: Crash Team Rumble