Diablo 4 Update 1.2.3a: Bug Fixes, Enhancements, and Patch Notes – Download Now for PC
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Diablo 4 Update 1.2.3a has been released for all platforms and is now available for download on PC. The update brings several bug fixes, improvements, and patch notes. The file size may vary depending on the gaming platform you are using. So if you’re playing Diablo 4, make sure to update to version 1.2.3a to experience the latest enhancements and fixes.
Game Updates
- Echo of Duriel drop rates for Uber Uniques will now be doubled until January 8th.
Developer Note: We’re boosting Duriel Uber Unique drop rates until January 8th to help all those looking for that special piece of gear. Happy Holidays!
- Vampire Power Update:
- Metamorphosis: Unstoppable duration changed to a flat rate instead of scaling with Vampiric power level.
- Unstoppable duration changed to 2.5 seconds at all levels. No longer increases per level.
- Damage increased from 80%/120%/160% to 110%/180%/250%
- Note: Metamorphosis in-game tooltip will not reflect these new values, and will be updated at a later date through a client update.
- Metamorphosis: Unstoppable duration changed to a flat rate instead of scaling with Vampiric power level.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where in extreme cases, Charged Bolts would result in stability and performance issues.
Source: Diablo 4