Experience the Latest Enhancements and Fixes with Splatoon 3 Update 6.0.2: Detailed Patch Notes for Multiplayer, Salmon Run, and More
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Splatoon 3 Update 6.0.2 has been released for all platforms and is now available for download on PC. The update brings several bug fixes, improvements, and patch notes. The file size may vary depending on the gaming platform you are using. So if you’re playing Splatoon 3, make sure to update to version 6.0.2 to experience the latest enhancements and fixes.
Splatoon 3 Update 6.0.2: Detailed Patch Notes for Multiplayer, Salmon Run, and More
Multiplayer Fixes:
- Adjusted the change in color when affected by the Splattercolor Screen: In previous versions, players noticed that the color change when hit by the Splattercolor Screen felt too abrupt and unnatural. To provide a smoother gameplay experience, the latest update has modified this feature to make the transition more natural and seamless. Additionally, the screen brightness of the effect itself has been dimmed to prevent any visual strain or distraction during battles.
Salmon Run Fixes:
- Correction for missing decorations and badges from the Big Run event: Players who participated in the Big Run event that took place from 12/2 to 12/4 reported not receiving the decorations or badges they rightfully earned based on their scores. To rectify this issue, the developers have implemented a fix that ensures affected players can now acquire the decorations and badges they were supposed to receive. Simply enter the lobby after applying the update, and these missing rewards will become available for you.
Other Fixes:
- Communication error prevention during news-related interactions in the Shoal: An issue was identified where a communication error would sometimes occur when players who had seen the news about the start of a new season tried to communicate with players who hadn’t yet seen it in the Shoal. This error potentially disrupted the gameplay experience, causing frustration among players. The developers have addressed this issue and applied a fix in this update, ensuring smooth communication between players, regardless of their knowledge of the recent news.