Exploring the Link between Fasting and Brain Function for Enhanced Physical Well-being
Scientists from the German Institute for Metabolism Research. Max Planck discovered the crucial role of the brain in the connection between fasting and better health.
Nature Communications notes that even shortly after fasting, the brain activates the production of a corticosteroid hormone that initiates autophagy in the liver. This process is responsible for the destruction of defective or damaged molecules that are removed from the cells, while generating new energy. Knowing this, until now it was assumed that liver cells themselves initiate the process of autophagy when they are in need of additional energy.
The researchers’ experiment involved not feeding lab mice for four hours during a period when they would normally eat a large amount of food, similar to skipping breakfast, as the mice consume 40 percent of their daily calories at breakfast. The researchers then observed how neurons in the hypothalamus responded to the short fast. It became clear to them that the neurons in the AgRP group send not only signals that stimulate the body to eat, but also signals that activate autophagy.
The researchers also found that blocking signaling leads to autophagy not being activated despite the feeling of hunger.
The researchers suggest that the brain sends an initial signal to quickly initiate autophagy. And that the liver cells activate the recycling system, but only at a later stage.
Source: Linta. EN