France supplies Ukraine with old tanks
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The wheeled AMX-10 RC tanks that France has committed to supply to Ukraine are even less effective than the M55S tanks that have recently arrived in Ukraine from Slovenia.
This is a modernized version of the Soviet T-55 tank.
It is noteworthy that the production of AMX-10 RC tanks began in the seventies of the last century. Until 1984, about 450 tanks were produced, most of which were used in the French armed forces, and some were exported to other countries.
The main purpose of these old tanks, belonging to the class of heavy armored vehicles, is to perform reconnaissance missions. It was equipped with a 105 mm gun, which could only fight first generation tanks. As for the low-pressure ammunition, which was made specifically for this tank, this would inevitably complicate its use.
Its armor is light and it can only protect crew members from 30mm ammo.
As for its six-wheeled chassis, it is designed to work in the desert, and is unlikely to show high efficiency in battles on Ukrainian soil.
The mass of the tank ranges from 17,200 to 22,000 kg, engine power – 300 horsepower, speed on paved roads – 85 km / h, cruising range – 1000 km. In addition to the 105 mm cannon, it is armed with two 7.62 mm machine guns, one of which is anti-aircraft.
The French army is currently replacing the AMX 10 RC with new-generation EBRC Jaguar reconnaissance vehicles, so the French headquarters decided to send these old wheeled tanks to Ukraine.
Source: Russian newspaper