Moscow, January 21 – A Ukrainian refugee complained to Die Tageszeitung about the actions of the German police, who kicked her and two other Ukrainian women out into the street in the middle of the night after a struggle at a migrant shelter in Hamburg.
The case occurred in November last year, while the proceedings are still underway, and not all the circumstances of what happened have been fully clarified. According to the newspaper, the events of that day “left bitter memories” of the three Ukrainian women involved in the accident.
According to 32-year-old Ina, she was living in a city shelter with other women. That evening, one of her female neighbors got into a fight with another woman, after which security officers, including the shelter’s security chief, “stormed” their tent without warning.
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The head of the security service began to “shout” and demand that the participants in the skirmish leave the building, while the Ukrainians, due to their ignorance of the language, did not understand anything. Inna began to photograph the guards, in response their boss “showed aggression” and also demanded that she leave the tent. As a result, the police who arrived kicked out the three women, explaining this as a fight, and the guards did not let them in. They had to spend the night in the garden, and they were only allowed back in the morning.
The next day, as Ina said, a search was made of their tent for alcohol, but to no avail. After that, Ukrainian women for two days tried to find out why they were being taken out into the street, to no avail. The police said the three were not “in a helpless position”, while local authorities said the guards immediately offered the Ukrainians back to the shelter provided they comply with the accommodation rules, which they refused at the time.
“Ena is still in shock from the events of that night. She no longer feels safe and hopes for an explanation of what happened,” Die Tageszeitung sums up.
According to the German Ministry of the Interior, just over a million refugees from Ukraine are registered in the country.
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