LEGO 2K Drive Update 1.13: Bug Fixes, Improvements, and Patch Notes | Download Now for PC
LEGO 2K Drive Update 1.13 has been released for all platforms and is now available for download on PC. The update brings several bug fixes, improvements, and patch notes. The file size may vary depending on the gaming platform you are using. So if you’re playing LEGO 2K Drive, make sure to update to version 1.13 to experience the latest enhancements and fixes.
Custom Rules
- Custom game settings for single-player, split-screen, and Play With Friends
- Gameplay settings
- Health and damage settings
- Boost settings
- Race Settings: Elimination Mode
- Brick Brawl Settings
Part Locator
Find LEGO parts by number in the Garage
- Displays vehicles that have the part and how to obtain it
Reverse Races
Players may now race popular races in reverse
Timed Tasks
- Earn additional Drive Pass XP and Brickbux by completing daily and weekly tasks
- Online play is required to complete online tasks
Top 100 Leaderboard
- Compete with players around the world for the Top 100 MP Leaderboard
- Accessible in the Career page
- Unkie’s Emporium Surplus Viewer
- Displays unclaimed parts in available vehicles
- Updated Creators Hub Depot list to display by upload time instead for more visibility of recent player creations
- Added more information on Unkie’s Emporium, accessible from the Home Tab
- Added clearer messaging for Creators Hub uploading rules
- Added clearer messaging around why submitted vehicles were rejected
- Added clearer messaging about Driver headgear replacement in some vehicles
- Added new icons to differentiate Drive Pass-Specific activities in the open-world gameplay
- Added functionality to allow Split-screen players to use the primary player’s custom & downloaded vehicles
- Added a screen detailing Heat rewards for Ranked MP
- Added ability to adjust horn volume in MP
- Added ability to lose points for high-ranking players to make MP more competitive
-Players will not lose achieved ranks
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Ranked MP Points weren’t visually increasing between lobbies
- Fixed an issue where there are 50 duplicate wheels in Surplus
- Fixed an issue where the player loses functionality when another player fast-travels
- Fixed an issue where EMP Power-up fails to affect robots in Robot Invasion
- Fixed an issue where an error message would appear when the player rejoins the same lobby
- Fixed an issue where one player can access Brickbrawl after the second split-screen player leaves
- Fixed an issue where OTG is not able to be completed because another player fast-traveled
- Fixed an issue where some wheels are not equitable on the Heart of Adventure vehicle in the Garage
- Fixed an issue where Part 32828 is unable to be placed in Vintage Car Instructions
- Fixed an issue where Part 64448 is allowed to be placed incorrectly in Monster Doughnut Instructions
- Fixed an issue where the player is unable to complete Steam Locoboative Instructions
- Fixed an issue where the player can be spawned right next to another player during Brickbrawl
- Fixed an issue where the boost meter drops after respawning in Brickbrawl
- Fixed an issue where the middle mine shoots inconsistently in Brickbrawl
- Fixed an issue where the player gets stuck in a respawn loop in an Immortal Coil race
- Fixed multiple issues when the player loses functionality in the Garage
- Fixed multiple issues when approved vehicles fail to appear in My Hub
- Fixed multiple issues when the second player loses functionality in split-screen mode
Stability Fixes
- Fixed crash when an offline user enters the Garage
- Fixed crash when the player switches between favorite tabs in the Garage
- Fixed crash when the player closes the body shop while selecting a vehicle chassis in adjust mode
- Fixed crash when a driver and flair are both selected at the same time in build mode
- Fixed crash when the main menu loads without adequate online connectivity
- Fixed multiple stability issues while playing Play with Friends
Source: LEGO 2K Drive