Patch Notes: Fixes, Improvements, and Changes for the Game
Fixed: Nancy’s Trap Alerts
Fixed: Various Footstep Audio
Fixed: Translated Character Bios
We have fixed an issue where the character bios for Connie, Leland, Julie, Cook, and Sissy were not translating to players selected language
Fixed: Disappearing Ladder in Trophy Room
Fixed: Nancy’s Trap Outlines
Fixed: “I’m Comin’ for Ya” Achievement
Fixed: Various Execution Animations
Fixed: Various Johnny Animations
Fixed: Blood Reflection Flickering on Low Graphic Settings
Fixed: Mud Pile Asset Not Appearing
Fixed: Inconsistent Range When Listening to Noise from Items
Fixed: Various Audio Issues
Fixed: Spectating Lockpicking Audio
Fixed: Voice Chat Drops in Lobby and Match
Fixed: Family Stun Locked After Close Encounter and Sneak Attack
Fixed: Camera Angles and Crawl Spaces
Fixed: Character Ability XP Gain
Fixed: Text Chat Not Working in Lobby Chat When Using Mouse
Fixed: Intro Crawl Text Issues
Fixed: “No valid user ID yet” Error
Fixed: Various Crashes
Fixed: Executed Victims Appear Alive in Spectator Mode
We have fixed an issue when a Victim disconnects and gets executed, upon rejoining, the victim appears alive in spectator mode
Fixed: Invalid Credentials Error After 1 Hour of Gameplay
Fixed: Foliage Popping In and Out on Family House
Fixed: Victims Unable to Move After Traversing Ladder on Family House
Fixed: Family House Assets Being Climbable
Fixed: Players Getting Stuck on a Door
Fixed: Safe Spot – Silencing Nugget on Family House
Fixed: Bottle Clipping into a Health Potion on Family House
Fixed: Blood on Family Members – Family House
Fixed: Blacked Out Newspaper Texture
Fixed: Car Battery on Gas Station
Fixed: Stuck Spots on Gas Station Map
Fixed: Lighting Issues on Gas Station
Fixed: Players Floating on Gas Station Map assets
Fixed: Surface Collision Missing on Gas Station
Fixed: Illogical Hiding Spot on Gas Station
We have fixed an issue where Victims would be hidden in a spot in the Exterior area next to the Workshop, despite it being exposed and well lit on the day variant
Night variant is logical and unchanged due to the shadows present in that spot
Fixed: Shadows Fading on Foliage and Trees
Fixed: Light Bleeding from Leatherface’s Chainsaw
Fixed: Lighting Issues on Slaughterhouse
Fixed: Incorrect Location Name on Nancy’s House
Fixed: Bone and Skull Clipping on Slaughterhouse
Fixed: Stuck Spots on Slaughterhouse
Fixed: Invisible Collision in Bushes on Slaughterhouse
Fixed: Various Textures
Fixed: ‘Face Grinder’ Execution Not Present
Fixed: Stamina Boost Regeneration when a Victim Disconnects
Fixed: Engine.ini File Edits to Remove Foliage
We have fixed an issue where players were able to change the engine.ini files to remove and adjust foliage
Those files have been strengthened to combat exploitive player behavior
Fixed: Victims Bypass a Fence to Collect a Bone Scrap on Gas Station
Fixed: Disconnection Exploit
We have fixed an issue where players would disconnect from the internet while moving in order to not receive damage from attacks, break chase, create a distraction, or to scare victims out of hiding spots
Disconnected players will now stay in place upon disconnection
Fixed: Door Slamming Dead Victims for XP
Fixed: Players Gaining 2x XP with Spectator Mode
Fixed: Audio Bug with Fuse Door Slam
Fixed: XP Earned Despite Disconnect
Fixed: Redirect to Platform Store
Fixed: Party Voice Chat
Fixed: Spectator Camera Drag
Fixed: Push To Talk Stuck
Fixed: Various Minor UI/HUD Issues
Fixed: Various Minor UI Issues
Fixed: Strength Attribute Description
Fixed: Missing Localizations
Fixed: Hitchhiker 3 Trap Instant Kill
Fixed: Spectator/Camera Issues
Fixed: Chat and Scoreboard Soft Lock
Fixed: Slaughterhouse Out of Bounds
Fixed: Saboteur Perk and Fusebox
Fixed: Right Shift Rebind
Fixed: Chat Key Rebind
Fixed: New Character Unlocks
Fixed: Party Invite Unavailable
This issue was causing issues inviting players when different cross play settings were being used
This issue would lock up follow up invites, even if settings were changed
Fixed: Visual Bug with Character Levels
Fixed: Visual Bug with Earned Skill Points
Fixed: Temp White Box for Player Icon
Fixed: No Sell and Leatherface Revved Up Attack
Fixed: Extra Drip Perk Fix
This issue caused the Extra Drip effect to never end if a Victim was healed by a teammate while healing themselves
This perk will still pop in healing events, but no longer gets stuck on
Fixed: Choose Flight Stutters
Fixed: FPS Drops when Returning to Main Menu
Fixed: Flickering Leaves
Fixed: Failed To Join Party Reinvite
Fixed: Next Match Dropping Party
Fixed: Connection Issues Disabling Party Creation
Fixed: Connection Issues Disabling Matchmaking
Fixed: Next Match Join Lobby Solo
Fixed: Custom Lobby Failed to Launch
Fixed: Nancy’s House Car Collision
Fixed: Nancy Cosmetic Descriptions
Fixed: Leatherface Concept Art Unlockable
Fixed: Nicotero Leatherface Volume – Crawl Space Destruction
Fixed: Windows Key Rebind
Fixed: Alt Key Rebind on Some Key Setups
Fixed: Character Blacked Out on Some Platforms/Builds
Fixed: Grandpa Perks Unequip
Fixed: Missing Foliage
Fixed: Haptic Feedback Inconsistent
Fixed: No Sell Disabled After Being Trapped
Fixed: Multiple XP Events
Fixed: Well Interaction Lock
Fixed: Well Connection Disruption
Fixed: Missing Voice Lines
Fixed: Victim Stamina Bonus
Fixed: Blood Trails
Fixed: Grandpa Perks UI
Fixed: Car Crawl Stuck
Fixed: Trap Bypass
Fixed: Hunt Not Canceling Properly
Fixed: Sonny Ability and Minigames
Fixed: Skill Tree Resets
Fixed: Leatherface Connection Disruption
Fixed: Tourniquet Fixed
The Tourniquet perk is now fixed and will no longer stay active indefinitely if two health items are used consecutively
We have also fixed an issue with Tourniquet where connection interruptions would make the perk active indefinitely
Fixed: Victim Noise Marker and Hiding Spots
Fixed an issue where the noise indicator would not stick to Victims after bursting out of hiding spots
This is related to the change that pings stick to Victims when making noise
Fixed: Must Have Been the Wind
We have fixed the perk Must Have Been the Wind to function with the new design change to noise generation
This is related to the change that pings stick to Victims when making noise
Fixed: Twinkle Toes
Fixed: Quick Exit
Fixed: Spotter
Fixed: Second Wind
Fixed: Efficient Backstabber
Fixed: Fusebox Cursor Issues
Fixed: Nicotero Blood Splatter
Fixed: Leatherface Door Destruction
If Leatherface starts the animation of destroying a door with his saw, it can no longer be opened during the animation
This issue was caused by another Family member opening the door just after Leatherface selects to destroy it, resulting in overlap
Fixed: Leatherface Missing Idle Animation
Fixed the missing idle animation after Leatherface overheats his saw and after an overhead attack
Previously, Leatherface would appear still, without his usual idle
Fixed: Ladders and Hands
Fixed: Victim Restraints
Fixed an issue where if a Victim is hit before getting out of their restraints, they would fall, then pop back up into the restraints
Now, if hit before escaping restraints, Victim will fall normally and stay free
Fixed: Trapped Victim Gate Bypass
Fixed: Hitchhiker Trap Collection
Fixed: Victims, Incapacitations, and Hiding Spots
Fixed a really weird bug where if a Victim uses a hiding spot and exits due to incapacitation, then a second Victim does the same thing on the same hiding spot, the first Victim instantly dies
To the one person who might have experienced this, you’re welcome
Fixed: Sissy Stun Lock
Fixed: Grandpa Detection
Fixed: Victim Traversal Lock
Fixed: Ghost Victim in North Cell
Fixed: Invincible Victim in Crawl Space
Fixed: Safe Window Jumps
Fixed: Torn Apart Execution Audio
Fixed: Unlock Tool Alignment
Fixed: Healing While Disconnecting
Fixed: Stuck In Animations
Fixed: Locked on Valve Pickup
Fixed: Leatherface Carry
Fixed: Grapple Disconnects
Fixed: Victim Attacked While Disconnected
Fixed an issue where if a Victim is disconnected while interacting with a minigame, then attacked, they cannot move when rejoining the session
Fixed: Camera Control
Fixed: Valve progress and Rejoin
Fixed: Loading Screen Loop
Fixed: Cook Idle Crash
Fixed: Cook Gas Station Crash
Fixed: Gallows Spectate Crash
Fixed: Healing Traps
We have fixed an issue with the damage modifier for Hitchhiker traps that would unintentionally heal Victims
This upgrade to the Trap ability will now function as described in game
Fixed: Camera On Johnny
Fixed: Restraints Animation
Fixed: Scaling Issues
Fixed: Frame Rate Issues in Basement
Fixed: Loud Leatherface Feet
Fixed: Stuck Spots on Family House
Fixed: So Close
Fixed: Turning Off the Valve
Changed: Character Outlines when Making Noise
Changed: Mute All Option
Changed: Auto Crouch Toggle
Changed: Nancy’s House Valve Tank Locations
Changed: Victim Abilities at Match Start
Changed: Hitchhiker Traps and Pressure Valves
Changed: Gas Station Smoke Room
Changed: Hiding Invite Codes
Changed: Valve Pressurizing After Close
When Family closes the valve, it will now build pressure back up, reducing Victim progress towards the gate opening
Changed: Variable Lobby Timer
We have changed the behavior of the lobby timer, depending on how many players have hit “ready”
If 5 out of 7 players in a lobby hit “ready” the lobby timer will drop to 30 seconds
Changed: Grandpa Awakened Cut Scene
Changed: Leatherface Requirement
We have removed the requirement for Leatherface in every match
This change does not affect anything other than the requirement
Maps, barricades, and Family spawns are unchanged
Changed: Gas Station Fuse and Fusebox Spawns
We have changed the spawn locations for some fuses on Gas Station
We have changed a few spawns for the fusebox itself as well
This should help prevent scenarios where a fuse spawns near a fusebox