Scientists Measure Radioactive Gas Release From Soil
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Scientists in the Turkish region of Kahramanmarash, which was hit by a strong earthquake, recorded an increase in the level of radioactive radon gas in the air, four times higher than normal.
This gas can damage DNA molecules and body cells, as well as cause cancer.
Scientists from the Yildiz Technical University and Kocaeli University indicate in an article published on the Haber7 website that on February 9-12, they conducted a field study of the soil in the village of Akpınar, located between the districts of Albistan and Ekinsia Kahramanmaras.
According to Professor Osman Günay, the radioactive gas radon is present in the soil and is released as a result of the splitting of radioactive materials present in the soil structure: uranium, torbium and potassium, which, when decomposed, release radon gas, which usually rises to the surface of the earth, but the occurrence of earthquakes exposes the soil structure and rocks, resulting in a much higher level. Scientists plan to conduct a second study of the soil a year after the earthquake that occurred in Kahramanmaras.
Source: News. EN