The Dangers of Brushing Teeth with Sticks: A Dentist’s Perspective
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Dentist Tatevik Petrosyan said using chopsticks to brush your teeth can damage gums and enamel and cause cavities.
And in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper, she says: “Many people brush their teeth with sticks, not thinking that the harm from them can be greater than the good. Of course, leaving food between the teeth is wrong, because it helps bacteria multiply and thus has many negative effects. But on the one hand, the other indicates that food remains between the teeth, which indicates the presence of problems that require treatment. Using chopsticks for food permanently exacerbates the problem even more.
Using sticks to clean your teeth, she says, can damage the gums, which can cause atrophy of the site and the appearance of pockets around the tooth (and this is a good breeding ground for germs), as well as the development of gingivitis. .
She says: “Chronic inflammation can lead to weakening of the bone tissue, causing the tooth to lose its support. In addition, the use of chopsticks can lead to damage to tooth enamel, and therefore to the appearance of cracks in it, which leads to tooth decay.
In addition, there is a risk of spreading the infection from one place to another when using toothpicks, which over time leads to an expansion of the focus of inflammation.
Source: Izvestia newspaper.