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The Smell of Eternity: Scientists Recreate Fragrant Recipe for Egyptian Mummification Fluid


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Fragrant Recipe Recreates the “Smell of Eternity” from Ancient Egyptian Mummification

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Scientists have discovered a fragrant recipe that was used to preserve the remains of an Egyptian noblewoman mummified in 1450 BC. With the help of advanced chemical analysis technology, they have recreated the unique scent of the embalming fluid used to preserve mummies from the Valley of the Kings.

The Ingenuity of the Egyptians

Recreating the fragrance sheds light on the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. They protected the noblewoman Senetnai, a member of Pharaoh Amenhotep II’s “entourage,” almost 3,500 years ago. The embalming fluid consisted of a complex mixture of ingredients, including beeswax, coumarin, pine resin, and benzoic acid.

Preserving the Organs

The embalming fluid had a distinct smell, similar to freshly paved roads, due to the use of bitumen. Bitumen was used to seal off moisture and insects from the organs, ensuring their preservation.

International Trade and Ancient Egypt

Analysis of the embalming fluid used on Senetnai revealed ingredients that originated from outside of Egypt. This suggests the existence of international trade during ancient times, possibly occurring much earlier than previously believed.

Recreating the Scent of Eternity

Scientists painstakingly developed the ingredients for the embalming fluid and successfully recreated its scent. This breakthrough provides a unique opportunity to “smell the past” and will be displayed at the Mosgard Museum in Denmark.

The Significance of Ancient Egyptian Burial Practices

The scent of eternity embodies the rich cultural, historical, and spiritual significance of ancient Egyptian burial practices. It serves as a testament to the advanced techniques and beliefs of this ancient civilization.

Source: Daily Mail

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