The “surprise” factor that increases the risk of breast cancer
Most women know that a family history of breast cancer can greatly increase their risk of developing the disease.
A survey of nearly 2,000 women in the UK found that most of them were unaware of their risk of developing cancer due to the density of their breasts.
Dense breasts tend to be firm and have a relatively large amount of glandular tissue compared to adipose tissue.
This glandular tissue contains a higher concentration of breast cells than other breast tissues, which means it has more cells that can become cancerous.
Dense breast tissue can also make it difficult to read the results of a breast exam because it is difficult to see any lumps or areas of abnormal tissue.
According to a study published in the journal JAMA, women with dense breasts are four times more likely to develop breast cancer than women with less dense breasts.
Breast cancer is known to be the most common form of the disease among women, and like all cancers, the sooner it is detected, the better the chance of successful treatment.
The causes of breast cancer are still not fully understood, but there are several known risk factors that experts say affect a person’s likelihood of developing the disease.
Some of these factors are out of your control, but others can be changed. According to the NHS, the most common serious symptoms are:
1. Age
As with most types of cancer, the risk of developing breast cancer increases with age.
This condition is more common in women over fifty who have gone through menopause.
About eight out of 10 breast cancers occur in women over 50 years of age.
2. Hormones and hormonal preparations
The female hormone estrogen can sometimes stimulate breast cancer cells, causing them to grow and, in some cases, mutate.
The risk of developing breast cancer may increase slightly as the amount of estrogen in the body increases, such as when taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or birth control pills.
There is no increased risk of breast cancer if a woman takes HRT for less than one year.
But if she takes HRT for more than a year, she has a higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who have never taken HRT.
And when it comes to birth control pills, the risk starts to drop as soon as you stop taking them, and the risk of breast cancer returns to normal 10 years after you stop taking the pill.
Early onset of menstruation and reaching menopause later in life also increases the risk of breast cancer because the body is exposed to higher levels of estrogen for a longer period.
3. Overweight or obese
Studies have shown that being overweight increases the chance of many different types of cancer, including breast cancer.
One study showed that the risk of developing breast cancer after menopause increased by 11% for every 5 kg of weight gain among women who had never used hormone replacement therapy.
4. Alcohol
Studies have shown that excessive alcohol consumption also increases the risk of several types of cancer.
According to the National Health Service of Great Britain, the more alcohol a woman drinks, the higher her risk of getting breast cancer.
Source: Sun