Vampire Survivors Update 1.7.0: New Stage, Character, Weapons, Relics, and Bug Fixes
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A new update has been released for Vampire Survivors Update 1.7.0. You can find out all the details of the Game Update, Bug Fixes, improvements, and Patch Notes below.Vampire Survivors Update 1.7.0 is now available for download, for all platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The file size may vary depending on the platform.
New Stage
Unlocked by picking up 20 Orologions
Enemies move slowly and take bonus damage from fire weapons
It’s intended to be an early-game stage, so it’s a lot easier than other bonus stages like Tiny Bridge or Astral Stair
New Character
Unlocked by surviving 20 minutes in Whiteout
Starts with Glass Fandango
Defensive character with increased Armor & Mov Speed
When she falls below 25% HP, she freezes all enemies for 10 seconds
New Weapons
Starting item of She-Moon Eeta
Attacks faster in the faced direction when moving
Deals extra damage to frozen enemies
Gains extra Area during the time-freezing effect of Orologion
Evolves with maxed Wings
Evolved version of Glass Fandango (requires maxed Wings)
Has a chance to deal critical hits to frozen enemies
Changes how Orologions work: Enemies appear frozen and deal no damage as usual, but keep moving towards the player. Deals continuous damage.
Profusione D’Amore
Evolved version of Celestial Dusting (requires the Chaos Altemanna relic)
It still shoots flowers, but also shoots floating leaves that occasionally bloom into a chain-reaction of explosions
New Relics
Unlocked by finding it in Whiteout
It allows you to buy the “Defang” power-up
Each rank of “Defang” gives a +3% chance for enemies to spawn without being able to deal any damage
Unlocked by finding it in Tiny Bridge
It allows O’Sole Meeo to transform when he reaches Lv.80
The transformation works the same as with Mortaccio & Cavallo. A few stat boosts, and his main weapon evolves (see Profusione D’Amore)
Tweaks & Bugfixes
Fixed weapon spacing in arcanas list to accommodate new weapons.
Fixed Je-ne-viv world eater logic causing slowdown.
Fixed bought character’s in secrets menu.
Fixed revive animation not being scaled correctly.
Fixed issue with Je-ne-viv crashing Il Molise.
Fixed quit button audio cutoff.
Fixed bestiary enemies scaling up and down incorrectly.
Fixed resolution dropdrop displaying incorrect resolution.
Fixed Cosmic Egg display in Bestiary.
Fixed World Eater crashing with lots of eggs.
Fixed Trinacria in Bestiary.
Fixed Bestiary Information cutoff/display issues.
Fixed incorrect No Future particles.
Fixed Hellfire projectile rotation on bounce.
Fixed Goshadokuro losing it’s head in the Bestiary.
Fixed Directer fight inconsistencies vs old engine.
Updated pickup logic to better match old-engine behaviour.
Minor optimisation on damage number display.
Removed incorrect screen flash on Gorgeous Moon.
Removed various flashes if Flashing VFX is disabled.
Source: Vampire Survivors