Vitamin Deficiency Found in Tongue Tissue Linked to Anemia
Vitamin B in its various forms plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body, as well as maintaining the nervous system, skin, metabolism and energy levels.
So, the lack of B vitamins can be detrimental to health, especially if the deficiency continues for some time.
Vitamin B9 deficiency, for example, can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a type of macrocytic anemia.
To avoid the consequences of a vitamin deficiency for health, it is necessary to notice the symptoms in time. Experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine say tongue texture could be a warning sign of vitamin B9 deficiency.
Experts pointed out that a “smooth and soft” tongue indicates a lack of vitamin B9, in addition to:
Pale skin
– lack of appetite
– grumbled
lack of energy
You get tired easily
– diarrhea
Vitamin B9 deficiency can lead to low red blood cell count and abnormal red blood cells in the body.
Since the task of red blood cells is to transport oxygen to tissues and organs, problems can arise without an adequate supply of healthy red blood cells.
Additional symptoms to watch out for, according to the NHS, include:
rapid breathing
– shortness of breath
– indigestion
– heartbeat
cognitive changes
And the health authority advises seeing a GP if you suffer from these symptoms, as they should be “treated as soon as possible.”
And the health authority adds: “The longer a condition is left untreated, the greater the chance of irreversible damage.”
Where to find vitamin B9?
Foods rich in vitamin B9 include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peas, chickpeas, and brown rice.
If you find yourself eating these foods regularly but continue to be deficient in the vitamin, you may have celiac disease, a condition in which your immune system attacks your tissues when you eat gluten and this damages the intestines (small intestines), so you can’t eat nutrients.
Celiac disease can be diagnosed with a special blood test that checks for antibodies normally found in the blood of people with the condition.
And if the deficiency is caused by your diet, it’s important to remember that the body cannot store B9 for long periods of time.
The US National Health Service says: “Your body usually has enough folic acid for four months. This means you need folic acid in your daily diet to make sure you have adequate stores of the vitamin in your body.”
Source: Express