What are the top coins to accumulate during the Naughty Age ?
Over the years, people have been accustomed to keeping their savings in dollars, but in light of calls to abandon them and fears of losing their status as a world currency, keeping money in US currency is becoming risky.
In what currency should you save or spend years of hard work? A question that worries many, especially since we live in an unstable world where economic shocks occur from time to time, the latest of which was the crisis that shook the US banking sector.
RT today launched a public opinion poll to find out what currency its subscribers prefer to keep their savings in, and the poll will run until next Monday (April 3, 2023), after which the results will be published.
And by 12:52 Moscow time today, Thursday, the survey showed that about a quarter (22%) of the 1,349 participants prefer to keep their savings in national currencies, and the US currency, the dollar, gained 11%, indicating a shift in a trend that continued for many years in the world.
In terms of other currencies in which participants save their money, the survey showed that about (10%) of participants depend on the Saudi currency, the rial, as a tool to save their money, while the UAE dirham gained 3% and the Chinese currency. yuan, received only 2%.
Source: RT