Why Limiting Children’s Time on Social Media and Video Games is Vital for Heart Health, According to Scientists
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Limiting Screen Time for Children Can Protect Heart Health, Scientists Say
A recent study has revealed that parents should limit the amount of time their children spend on social media and video games in order to protect their heart health. The study found that sedentary teenagers are at a higher risk of heart damage, which may lead to heart attacks and strokes later in life. Interestingly, even children of normal weight are also susceptible to this risk.
Study Details
The study involved 766 young individuals from the UK who were followed for a period of 13 years. Their sedentary time was measured using a smartwatch with an activity tracker over a span of seven days. The researchers estimated the daily inactivity time of 11-year-old children and repeated the assessment when they reached 15 years old and 24 years old. Additionally, ultrasound scans were conducted to estimate the weight of the left ventricle of their hearts.
Link Between Inactivity and Heart Damage
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The researchers discovered that left ventricular hypertrophy, an enlargement of the heart’s left ventricle, is a strong predictor of adverse cardiac events in adulthood. They also found that spending more time in a sitting position was associated with increased left ventricular mass. The average sitting time among 11-year-olds has increased from six hours to nine hours among 24-year-olds.
Importance of Physical Activity
The study emphasizes the importance of physical activity in protecting heart health. A one-minute increase in sitting time between the ages of 11 and 24 was associated with an increase in left ventricular mass between ages 17 and 24. Dr. Andrew Agbae, the study author, advises parents to encourage their children to move more by taking them out for walks and limiting their time on social media and video games.
Further Research Needed
Dr. Sonia Babu Narayan, Associate Medical Director of the British Heart Foundation, highlights the need for more research to understand why prolonged sitting time has a greater impact on the hearts of young women compared to young men. Nonetheless, she emphasizes that regular physical activity throughout life is crucial for maintaining good heart health.
Source: Express