Egypt is looking for a Norwegian company to export electricity to Europe
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Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli discussed with the Norwegian company Skatek Egypt’s proposal to export electricity to Europe.
Madbouli confirmed that there is great and constructive cooperation between the Egyptian government and the Norwegian company, adding: “We are looking forward to greater cooperation as well as achieving more common interests.”
Meanwhile, the company touched on the implementation of the electrical connection project with the European continent: “We are looking forward to exporting electricity from Egypt to Europe, and we have a memorandum of understanding ready to sign with the Egyptian government in this regard.” This is reported by Terrier Belskog.
He called this project very important in terms of plans to build large-scale power generation facilities and secure energy resources for the European continent through clean energy, which also supports green transformation plans on the continent.
He added: We are planning to export electricity from renewable energy sources to Europe with a capacity of about 3 gigawatts, promising to double the company’s investment in the coming period.
In the same context, Bielskog confirmed that Scatec is receiving full support from the Norwegian government for its plans to export electricity from Egypt to Europe.
Source: Al-Mal newspaper.